Since beginning my official architecture journey, my path has winded its way from State College to New York, Philadelphia, and finally the DC Metro Area. Although my official path to licensure may have started at Penn State, I knew that I wanted to be an architect before I knew how to spell it. Design and fabrication have always been passions of mine, and I started out by building my designs out of broken TaeKwonDo boards. I have now upgraded to having the privilege of working on a "fixer upper," and you can follow along on some of the projects I've taken on in my "blog" section of the site. I am always looking for new ways to be creative, and enjoy the opportunity to document some of my experiences here for others who share similar interests.
I have also included a "portfolio" section on this site which is still in progress; I hope you will enjoy the works I have curated so far from my academic studies at Penn State and Harvard before entering the professional world of CDs.